How can my birth partner, or having a labor doula help me cope with labor?
There are many tools available to be used to help support a woman in labor, but the best ones of all are the loving heart, kind touch, and willingness to help from your birth partner or labor doula.
Labor Support is so Valuable
We know that a when a woman is in labor, positioning is important to help keep the rhythm of labor going. Standing, walking, and just being in an upright position allows gravity to work and help the baby move into the pelvis. The Birth Partner or Doula can help by assisting her to use different positions whether it is in the bed, walking around or using the birth ball.
Leaning on any surface helps pull the pressure of the baby's head off of the back.
Relaxing in a warm tub of water can actually speed up your labor
A doula can help guide you through labor
Example Curriculum
With Knowledge Comes Strength
When one is well informed about the situation at hand, you find you have an inner strength to endure and push through. Being educated on what to expect and having a few tools to fall back on to help you cope can give you that peace of mind you will need to trust in the process and let your body do what it already knows how to do, give birth to your baby.