Course Five in the Series
Every expectant mother may dream of having the textbook perfect labor and delivery, but we know that this is simply not true. There are many different variables that can make things change in a heart beat.
Unexpected Outcomes
With every type of business, there is opportunity for adventure, success, and crisis. Labor support is not exempt. With this type of work, tragedy can strike without warning. While there are often clues that a baby is in distress or that a mother is not well, sometimes there are no clues, and we are left in shock alone with the grief-stricken family. Learn how to help the grieving family and yourself through this process.
Epidural for Cesarean Delivery
Pitocin Induction and Fetal Monitoring
Cesarean Birth
Example Curriculum
Be Prepared
Being informed about various complications can help you prepare your client in making informed decisions for herself.
Other Courses Required for Certification with Birth Practices