What's in a Doula's Bag of Tricks?

There are many tools available to be used to help support a woman in labor, but the best ones of all are your loving heart, kind touch, and willingness to help.

Know what options are available

We know that a when a woman is in labor, positioning is important to help keep the rhythm of labor going. Standing, walking, and just being in an upright position allows gravity to work and help the baby move into the pelvis. The Doula can help by assisting her to use different positions whether it is in the bed, walking around or using the birth ball.

Example Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Labor Support - What is it?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Coping with Labor Pain
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Next Steps and Evaluation
Available in days
days after you enroll

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With Knowledge Comes Strength

When one if well informed about the situation at hand, you find you have an inner strength to endure and push through. Being educated as a Doula not only allows you the opportunity to educate and empower birthing women, it empowers yourself.